Part One


“My brain is only a receiver, in the universe there is a core from which we obtain knowledge, strength, inspiration. I have not penetrated into the secrets of this core, but I know that it exists.” – Nikola Tesla.

Albert Einstein told us that “everything is energy”; that “a human being is a part of the whole called by us (Universe)”. Taking that into a context of how everything in the Universe could be connected and all matter may be shared energy in one form or another would be the approach of the Universal Consciousness theory. The nature of the Universal Mind/Consciousness is, Omniscience (all knowing), Omnipotence (all powerful), Omnificence (all creative) and Omnipresence (always present). The idea of “God” being the Universal Consciousness could be plausible. In the sense that, God is not the creator of anything, God would be what connects every living organism in an aspect that we do not understand yet. The Universal Consciousness or “God” could be that bridge between the physical reality and the reality where our thoughts, consciousness and or awareness exist.

If all things are actually connected to this Universal Consciousness idea, know that this too is your nature. You have access to all knowledge, known and unknown; you have access to an infinite power for which nothing is impossible; you have access to the limitless creativity. All of these attributes are present within you at all times in their potential form. Experiences and surroundings greatly shape the distention between two identical minds. Creativity would come to those identical minds in various contrasting ways because of their surroundings and experiences.

Now when discussing consciousness, we also have to examine the genus homo’s, (classification of the all the varying species of human beings) evolution. Knowing more about the Genus Homo’s history and understand that in the beginning of the human, consciousness and cognitive function were still in the primordial stages. Furthermore, we have to explore the advancement of intellect through the brain developing in a way that allows us to interpret our reality and surroundings to better figure out where consciousness derives. Essentially sparking the debate of how a piece of meat, like our brain, could be capable of such heights. Would it even be our brains that would be important when talking about consciousness or how everything is associated with each other? On the micro level, there is evidence to show that plants are just as much connected to their surroundings as humans. Not just plants, but also light, when broken down to its photons.

Consciousness can’t be understood intellectually because it can’t be measured. Go way back to the creation of the universe; the universe wasn’t constructed out of matter. It was created from nothing – literally, no-thing. Before anything existed as matter, it existed as thought energy. The whole universe was created from consciousness – not solid matter. Perhaps it was an expression of thought. If universal consciousness were to have a desire or a purpose, then maybe it would be to create. Universal consciousness appears to create, as a way of becoming more aware of itself. In the same way that we each have a personal perspective, universal consciousness appears to create to experience its self through various perspectives, expressions, reflections, and distinctions. It occurs to me that consciousness sees it’s self in all its creations and is not separate from them.

Would consciousness be a vague word to describe what’s in control of the vessel that is in the physical reality? Perhaps it is the consciousness telling the body, then the body reacts, but in actuality they are two different entities. The consciousness lives inside the body, or more precisely the brain. The organisms that have consciousness, they experience living with consciousness as “One”. We are mind, and body. We are not two halves of one whole. We are One whole, or at least that is how we view this. What if this is not the case? What if we are two halves that experience life as one? That, one half cannot understand the physical realm without the opposite half for it to exist in. The body lives in the physical realm or third dimension, and the consciousness exists in a different realm or dimension. And somehow, how organic creatures from Earth develop, our bodies become the vessels to this “consciousness”. Perhaps consciousness cannot exist in the the third dimension, and that is the reason why we have or experience consciousness. Because the Universal Mind/ Consciousness thirsts to gain knowledge and understanding of the third dimension. Consciousness seeks out organic matter to exist in and Earth happens to have abundant amount of contrasting creatures that “it” can exist in. Where does “it” come from? Where does “it” originate? – Z


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