Interpretation of everything humans define on the micro and macro level, has an inside and outside. Although different of course, they go together. You cannot have an inside without an outside and vice versa.  So, apply that to consciousness. If consciousness is what’s inside of humans, then what would be the outside, just the human body? Would the human body even be considered the “outside” of consciousness? How can we put consciousness on a table to where we can see it, and understand it? Maybe we need to seek to better understand the human psyche.

The conscious mind functions in the physical realm, it is the “I” or “me”: a body and a personality. This is the narrowest point of perspective since it relies on the physical senses. If something can’t be perceived by the physical senses, it must not be real. It’s like seeing the world through a telescope; you see one thing at a time and miss the big picture.

The subconscious part of the mind used for manifesting, from nothing, (imagination, thought and creativity) into something. Many people view the conscious part of the mind as more important and real then dismiss anything that comes from the subconscious. In reality, the subconscious is every bit as real as the conscious. Perception from the subconscious is broader than the conscious, but still somewhat rooted in the physical.

The superconscious is Universal Consciousness, also called the Universal Mind. The perspective from the Universal Consciousness is all encompassing. You truly see the big picture.

Now that we know all of this, lets apply them to this inside and outside interpretations of our reality. Conscious could be the outside, and the subconscious could be the inside. The superconscious could be what both of those are in, the reality of which they live and are created.

Wouldn’t awareness also be a factor when discussing consciousness? The human brain, is it producing the sense of awareness or does that come as a byproduct to help the consciousness? Or are there some other forms of a disembodied awareness that passes through organic matter, and if it has the right kind of nervous system it creates the sense of self and then attaching itself to the physical reality or the third dimension? Under those conditions, are Homo sapiens the only biological creature to experience consciousness?

Consciousness is defined as, “the state of being awake and aware of ones surroundings”. According to that definition, many animals on this planet have consciousness; their intelligence is measured differently when compared to humans. Which in turn would birth the debate to what is intellect and how can it be measured? Perhaps all living organisms are capable of having consciousness, those organisms just are not developed in a way that humans are.

Can consciousness only be contained in an “intelligent” brain, considering the brain being a piece of meat? How does the brain, or that piece of meat, assemble reality for that creature? Does consciousness just use that piece of meat to experience the physical reality or third dimension and interpret reality differently than what it really is? Does your brain interface with something else? In the sense of how a radio intercepts signals. In turn opening a possibility of communication through space-time somehow and or tapping into something on a grander scale that’s not third dimensional. Signals have an origin. Consciousness must also have an origin to either its own existence or at least from where it came from. All of this would be the research of neurologists and scientists. Understanding how the brain functions and its underlining meaning.

At the Institute of Noetic Sciences, they are exploring this phenomenon in several ways. For example, they design and conduct studies to empirically test hypotheses consistent with the theory of a Universal Consciousness. If in fact there is a universal, shared aspect to consciousness, then does the intention or attention of one person affect the physiology of another person, even at a distance. Can this type of connection be demonstrated under rigorously controlled laboratory conditions? They also conduct studies using social science approaches to systematically examine people’s experiences of oneness or universal consciousness and how it impacts their lives. What are the conditions under which these experiences take place? How do they feel, and how long do they last? What insights arise from them, and do those insights have lasting effects on coping, stress, or health and well-being? Scientists there are also exploring what happens in the electrical activity of the brain when people are actually experiencing these states of consciousness.

All of this incredible research is fascinating and could lead mankind to a key to unlocking consciousness but a lot of it is dependent on time and over a period of time. Answers or more questions leading us to answers are variables with time mixed into the equation. Unfortunately, it is under the assumption that no matter how close we may think we are to unlocking certain mysteries to the brain, we are not as close to them as we think. So, how can we help guide our perceptive and understanding of consciousness? – Z

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